Highest numbers of cases concluded includes providing undue advantage for a third party

The Commission’s statistical data for the first six months of 2015 discloses that the highest number of cases concluded includes providing undue advantage for a third party. A total of 264 such cases were concluded during the period under review. Ninety seven cases of providing undue advantage were concluded in the first quarter while 75 cases were concluded in the second quarter.

The second highest category of the cases concluded is related to acts in contradiction to the laws and state orders. Likewise, 75 cases were concluded in the first quarter while 97 cases were concluded in the second quarter.

Moreover, 104 cases on personal gain or undue advantage to oneself were concluded during the first six months of 2015. Similarly, 40 cases on corruption, 35 cases on negligence, 7 cases on bribery and a total of 13 cases on concealing evidence and misinterpretation were concluded, respectively.