Highest numbers of charges on the cases sent to PG are on providing undue advantage

* The following statistics represents the first six months of 2015.
Based on the cases concluded by the Commission during first six months, the 12 cases forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office carried a total of 20 different charges. The highest numbers of charges were on undue advantage for a third party. Likewise, 10 charges on providing undue advantage for 26 individuals were sent for prosecution. Within these individuals, 92 percent of individuals were males.
During the first six months, the second highest numbers of charges were on gaining undue advantage for oneself. Likewise, 5 charges on gaining undue advantage for 8 individuals were sent for prosecution. Moreover, 3 charges to recompense government loss, 1 charge on kickbacks from government projects/ funds and 1 charge on misrepresentation were sent for prosecution.