Delivery of National Integrity Plan presentation session for NGOs

ACC conducted NIP presentation session for members from different active NGOs in Male’. The session was held at ACC conference room on 21 January 2016 at 1000 hours.
Representatives of various NGOs and ACC members took part in this session. The main objective of this session is to introduce the National Integrity Plan including its policies, strategies and key activities to the NGOs. Furthermore, at the end of the presentation, discussions were held regarding the drafted plan.
NGOs which took part in this session include, Advocating the Rights of Children, Society for Health Education, Journey, Hope for Women, Youth Integrity Network, Dhivehi Youth Movement, Maldives Democracy Network, Islamic Foundation of the Maldives, Jammiyathul Salaf, Mahaldheeb Foundation and Junior Chamber International Kaafu Chapter.
So far, presentation sessions have been conducted at thirty four different institutions. Additional sessions will be held during the forthcoming periods for the remaining public institutions while ACC is working on endorsing the current draft plan.