Celebration of National Anti-Corruption Day in the Maldives

The ACC celebrates its second National Anti-Corruption (NAC) day of the Maldives this year. The 21st April has been dedicated for this important cause. It is the date that the government of the Maldives had formally initiated the noble work of establishing an institution called Anti-Corruption Board (ACB) in 1991 for the purpose of fighting against-corruption in the Maldives. Later in 2008, with the enactment of the new constitution, an establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) replaced the former ACB with more legislative powers and responsibility.

It is under the governance of ACC that we are jubilating the second NAC day in the country. This year, the NAC day is year marked for celebration in Gn. Fuvahmulaku. On this occasion, several activities and events are organized at the Island. The main objective of conducting these events is to outreach a larger society especially in order to work towards achieving the vision of ACC in terms of fostering a culture of integrity to fight against corruption with public participation and engagement through public awareness and advocacy.

An eight day official event week has begun from 16th – 23th April 2016. The slogan for this special week is termed as ‘integrity epoch’ and the slogan given for the year 2016 is ‘individual participation – for societal integrity’. Several programs are being conducted to reach targeted audiences such as school students, teachers, parents, public officials, N.G.Os and the general public.

The events that are being held in Gn. Fuvahmulaku are shown in the below table;


Events / Activities


Venue @ Gn. Fuvahmulaku

  1. School Students Quiz Program

16th April

Haafiz Ahmed School

  1. School Students Quran Competition

16th April

Fuvahmulaku School

  1. Awareness Program for Parents

16th April

Various schools

  1. Teachers Integrity Program

17th April

Various schools

  1. Awareness Workshop for N.G.Os

17th April

Various schools & Atoll Council Hall

  1. Awareness Program for School Students

18th April

Atoll Education Centre

  1. Awareness Programs for Government Officials

18th April

Youth Centre Hall

  1. Awareness Programs for employees of State Companies

18th April

Haafiz Ahmed School

  1. Debate between ACC Team & Fuvahmulaku Team

18th April

Atoll Education Centre

  1. Door to Door Campaign & Survey execution

19th April

Visiting households

  1. Friendly football match between ACC Team & Fuvahmulaku Team

20th April

Fuvahmulaku football ground

  1. Public Forum

20th April

Atoll Education Centre

  1. School Students Assembly

21st April

All schools

  1. National Integrity Pledge Signing Ceremony

21st April

All Atolls in Maldives

  1. Launching National Integrity Pledge Monument

21st April

Fuvahmulaku Airport

  1. Official Ceremony

21st April

Atoll Education Centre

  1. Religious Lecture

22nd April

Atoll Education Centre

  1. Youth for Integrity

22nd April

Youth Centre

  1. Children’s Evening

23rd April

Fuvahmulaku football ground

  1. Official Closing Ceremony

23rd April

Fuvahmulaku Thundi


The Official Ceremony held on 21st April was honored by Dr. Mohamed Latheef, Chancellor of Maldives National University. During the ceremony, ACCs Corporate video and ACCs first Annual Statistics Book was launched, Issue 2 of ‘Bithufangi Bulletin’ was released, redesign of Integrity Award Report was shown, prizes for Quiz, Quran and Debate Competition winners were distributed and a recognition plaque was given to staffs who had concluded ten years of committed services in the anti-corruption work.

All the five members of the Commission, Secretary General and a support team of 30 staff are actively present at the event sights of Fuvahmulaku in execution of these many activities. The cooperation and support rendered by Fuvahmulaku Councils, Government institutions and N.G.Os are extraordinarily notable in the success of these events.

Furthermore, to mark the importance of the day, ACC head office in Male’ organized a staff assembly, provided anti-corruption information to the public at the ground floor of Huravee Building, held an Integrity Pledge signing ceremony for its staff and managed a work related Quiz program.

An additional event ‘Children’s Evening’ will also be conducted on 6th May at the children’s orphanage of Fiyavathi in Hulhumale’. The final event of the celebration will end on 7th May with a blood donation campaign by ACC staff to the Maldives Blood Services. The purpose of these last two events denotes that the ACC stands alongside and is ready to contribute for social needs of the society.