Number of cases registered at the Commission increased


The number of cases registered at Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has increased in the first quarter of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016.

The following represents the Commission’s statistical data of the first quarter of 2016 and 2017. The number of cases registered at the Commission in 2017 rose to 274 in comparison to 219 cases that were registered for the same period in 2016. This indicates a 25% increase in the number of cases registered during the period under review.

All the cases registered at the Commission are examined under an evaluation process to precede investigations. Based on the number of cases registered, 248 cases were decided to investigate in 2017 while it was 212 cases in 2016 respectively.

Subsequently, if any cases lodged do not fall under the mandate of the Commission, such cases are referred to the respective public institution that has the relevant mandate. Likewise, 20 cases were referred to other institutions in 2017 while only 18 cases were referred in 2016.

The Commission dismisses complaints that do not fall under the mandate of the Commission or provide sufficient information to process an investigation. Similarly, 34 cases were dismissed in 2017 while 43 cases were dismissed in 2016.