ACC participates at the regional work on Whistle-blower and Witness Protection in the fight against Corruption

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is currently participating in the Regional Workshop on “Whistle-blower and Witness Protection in the fight against Corruption in South Asia”, organized by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This workshop is on-going in Maldives from 22 – 24 November 2017.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Commissioner of ACC Ms. Aminath Minna said that the Maldives needs a full-fledged law to protect the public interest of whistleblowing which will ultimately help the State and the authorities to detect and prosecute wrong doers and most importantly a Whistleblower law and regulation may help eliminate the root cause of corruption.

The workshop aims to provide expertise, knowledge tools and practical skills to anti-corruption authorities, investigators, prosecutors and criminal justice system as a whole, to enable the discussion on specific challenges in protecting reporting persons and witnesses, to raise awareness about concepts and measures used in other countries and their strength and limitations.

This workshop gathers representatives from Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal India Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Assistant Legal officer, Uz. Hussain Tholal is attending the workshop on behalf of ACC. And in addition to ACC, other government entities from Maldives, participates in the workshop.