Based on the cases concluded, seven charges are sent for prosecution

The Commission’s statistical data for the first quarter of 2018 discloses that the 4 cases forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office carried a total of 7 different charges.

The highest number of charges were on providing an undue advantage for a third party. A total of 3 such charges were sent for prosecution. The cases sent for prosecution during the first quarter of 2018 were against 5 individuals which included Male defendants only.

It was also observed that, the total monetary value claimed in the cases sent for prosecution by ACC during the first quarter of 2018 to be recovered by the state amounted to 108,749,100.00 (Hundred and eight million, seven hundred and forty-nine thousand, and one hundred) Rufiyaa. Moreover, 1 individual was charged on recompensing government loss during this quarter.

Concluded cases q1 2018