Integrity-related Information Shared at K. Himmafushi School Assembly

ACC has shared information regarding the characteristics of integrity at assemblies held in K. Himmafushi School. At total of 49 students, the principal, leading teachers, the school administrator, teachers, and other staff of the school participated in the assembly.

The activity took place on the morning of 25th June, 2018, in the school grounds. The students were addressed by a professional staff of ACC at the assembly.

In this assembly aimed to increase integrity-awareness, students were given information regarding what integrity is, the importance of integrity for every individual, and academic integrity and its importance. In addition, how integrity can be applied in everyday life was presented through examples suitable for the age-group of the students.

This activity was conducted on the initiative from K. Himmafushi School as per the opportunity ACC opened up for the city/island councils, schools, and other government institutions to conduct various activities in collaboration with ACC, to promote integrity and anti-corruption awareness.