ACC conducts a Panel Discussion to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a panel discussion at Seneco Conference Hall of PSM Radio Building to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day 2018, which was broadcasted on the Public Service Media (PSM) on 9th December 2018.

The topic of the panel discussion was ‘Building a generation of integrity: Challenges and Solutions’. The main aim of the program was to build awareness on importance of integrity and anti-corruption, role of parents, students, teachers and society to foster and build integrity amongst the younger generation. It also emphasised on the importance of religious perspectives of integrity in society.

The Panelists for the session were Dr. Ibrahim Zakariyya Moosa – Dean of Center for Postgraduate Studies, Ms.Nada Shareef – Clinical Psychologist, Ms.Basheera Mohamed- Principal of Taajudhin School and Commission member Ms.Aminath Minna. ACCs Assistant Investigation Officer, Uz. Adam Shamil moderated the Panel Discussion. This event was funded by UNDP.