More than two billion Rufiyaa was claimed to be recovered by the state in the first thee quarter of 2018 – ACC

Anti-corruption Commission’s statistical data revealed that during the first three quarters of 2018, the commission has informed relevant government institutions to recover more than two billion Rufiyaa to the state. During the first nine months of 2018, total amount to be recovered by the state stood at 2,024,638,893.74 (Two billion Twenty-four million Six hundred and [Read More…]

ACC Conducts Anti-Corruption Training for Staff of NSPA

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted an Anti-Corruption Training session for the staff of National Social Protection Agency, on 4th December, 2018, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day. Participants were given information regarding corruption and integrity, in the 3-hour session. The session with 24 participants from NSPA was conducted by professional staff of ACC.

ACC Conducts Anti-Corruption Training for Staff of Pension Office

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted an Anti-Corruption Training Programme for staff of Maldives Pension Administration Office, on 2nd and 3rd December, 2018. Participants were given information regarding corruption and integrity, in the 3-hour session. The sessions with 36 participants from pension office was conducted by professional staff of ACC.

Based on the cases concluded, 11 charges are sent for prosecution

The Commission’s statistical data for the first three quarters of 2018 discloses that the 06 case forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office carried a total of 11 different charges. In the third quarter of 2018, only one case was forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office carried a total of 2 different charges. They were on providing an [Read More…]

ACC participates in the UNODC Regional Workshop

The Anti-Corruption Commission has participated in Regional Workshop on International Cooperation in Corruption and Financial Investigations and Money Laundering organized by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC. Investigation officer Mr. Abdulla Javeed, Mr.Abdulla Mizan and Ms. Aminath Sana, is attending the Workshop on behalf of Anti-Corruption Commission. The regional workshop takes place in [Read More…]

ACC concluded 320 cases in the third quarter of 2018

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has concluded a total of 320 cases in the third quarter of 2018. ACC’s statistical data revealed that within the first nine months of 2018, the commission has concluded a total 1094 cases. Amongst these cases, 320 cases were completed in the third quarter of 2018. During the same period in 2017, [Read More…]

Highest number of cases lodged at ACC is procurement related

The Commission’s statistical data for the third quarter of 2018 discloses that the highest number of cases registered is procurement related. There was a total of 40 procurement related cases registered at the Commission during this period while this amount stood at 53 during last year. Additionally, a total of 12 employment related cases were [Read More…]

ACC registered 135 cases in the third quarter of 2018

Anti-corruption Commission (ACC) has registered a total of 135 cases in the third quarter of 2018. ACC’s statistical data revealed that within the first nine months of 2018, the commission has registered a total of 539 cases. Amongst these cases, 135 cases were registered in the third quarter of 2018. During the same period in [Read More…]

ACC Conducts Anti-Corruption Training for Civil servants

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted an Anti-Corruption Training programme for Civil servants, in collaboration with Civil Service Training Institute, on 01st November, 2018. Participants were given information regarding corruption and integrity, in the 3-hour session. The session with 49 participants was conducted by professional staff of ACC.