
The ACC is independent of the government of Maldives and is accountable to the people through the Parliament. It minimizes corruption by conducting various prevention programs. As part of the mandate of the Commission, prevention programs are categorized into two major areas;

  1. Prevention and Research;

  • Implementing National Integrity Plan

  • Formulation of Anti-Corruption Strategy

  • Conducting Corruption Risk Assessments and Researches

  • Formulation of Capacity Development documents

  • Identifying Training needs

  • Compilation of Annual Reports

  • Data collection and dissemination of statistics

  • Updating Social Media

  1. Education and Awareness;

  • Implementing National Integrity Award

  • Bithufangi TV and radio programmes

  • Production & design of Awareness materials

  • Conducting Anti-Corruption TOTs

  • Anti-Corruption Training sessions for public officials

  • Anti-Corruption Awareness sessions to general Public

  • Integrity Awareness sessions for students

  • Production and dissemination of leaflets, calendars, posters, note books and other promotional materials

  • Execution of special activities to mark the Annual Anti-Corruption Day 9th December and National Anti-Corruption Day 21st April

  • Official photography coverage for the Commission